EZ Enamels

We have them in stock !!

They are $15.50 per ounce SALE $10/PER OZ

Just email me a list

Introducing the new EZ Enamel colors!!!!.
The collection of scorching hot colors  (reds and oranges!!) that are easy to fire and don't require venting or mixing. Just pop them in the kiln and fire.
This vibrant mix of reds, oranges and yellows can handle temperatures up to 1650F they can be used for full fuse firings, glass blowing and lamp working without burning out. HOT Enamels are a very fine grind so they can be brushed, silkscreen printed, stippled or air brushed onto a base glass. One ounce of enamel will cover approximately 3.7 square feet of glass so they are an inexpensive alternative to sheet glass. 

silk screen Medium $28.50 8 oz IN STOCK

Just list the Ez numbers on your email - please see list below

we are closing out all of the EZ Enamels

These are what we still have in stock. I will try to keep this updatged. $10 per oz!!!!

updated Jan 12

314 Turquoise

324 Gold Purple

446 Red Gold

444 Pearl

304 light yellow

White Opaque